Sustainable Lives

EnLevo implements a program called Sustainable Lives in impoverished communities. Through individual effort the Sustainable Lives program can provide people the opportunity to change. The Sustainable Lives program encourages families to learn together and strengthen relationships. We believe that in order to bring people out of extreme poverty and improve their quality of life they need to focus on making changes and improvements in these 4 categories:

Financial Stability

When EnLevo begins working with a new village, we meet with the chief and village elders to determine the needs of the community as well as discuss goals. After meeting with the council we meet with the village and present the Sustainable Lives Program. EnLevo coordinates with leadership and the people in villages/communities to set goals as a community. Goals are chosen in the 4 Sustainable Lives categories. EnLevo provides rewards and incentives when the village/community achieves the goals. Goals are set and tracked for 3 month sessions.

What are some of the goals in the "Sustainable Lives" Program?

Some of the goals include:

Brushing teeth twice a day

Learning 15 words in English and Spanish

Properly dispose of garbage 

Learning the Q'eqhi alphabet

Children attend school every day

Planning and attending community events

Washing hands before eating

Work on proper farming techniques

Eat 3 fruits/vegetables a day

Parents participate in homework with child

Washing and preparing food with filtered water

Drinking filtered water

What are some of the rewards in the "Sustainable Lives" Program?

The rewards vary depending on the needs of the individual village and the time frame of the goals. Some of the rewards have included:

Cement floor for a school

Tin for a roof for a community center

Water barrels for water collection

Solar panel for the community

Community greenhouse


Books for school

Materials to build a school

Backpacks for the children

Soccer balls 

Family pictures


Desks for school

How can I help?

EnLevo relies on volunteers and donations to make our programs successful. Your generous donations help us provide the rewards villages receive for achieving goals.

We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to give of their time for project management, social media, simple bookkeeping and more. Thank you for helping us create Sustainable Change in the lives of these people.