A New Way to Farm - Food Forests

In the heart of the lush, remote villages of Cahabon, Guatemala, there lies a dietary paradox as stark as it is troubling. Picture a table, adorned with corn and more corn - from tortillas at breakfast to tortillas and corn...

Savoring Tradition: Kak'ik Soup

🍲✨ Savoring Tradition: Kak'ik Soup ✨🌽Delve into the rich tapestry of Mayan culture with Kak'ik soup—a culinary journey steeped in tradition and flavor. This ancient dish, dating back to the days before the Spanish conquest, carries a story as vibrant...

Rewards for Achieving Goals in the Sustainable Lives Program

Corrugated steel sheets, screws, toilet seats, sand, cement, wood for walls for a community center, and speaker sets. These are some of the “tangible” rewards EnLevo recently presented to the villages in our Sustainable Lives program for completing their goals...