Rewards for Achieving Goals in the Sustainable Lives Program

Corrugated steel sheets, screws, toilet seats, sand, cement, wood for walls for a community center, and speaker sets. These are some of the “tangible” rewards EnLevo recently presented to the villages in our Sustainable Lives program for completing their goals for the past 3 months. 

Changing habits is an important fundamental when trying to help bring people out of poverty. One of the key elements of the EnLevo “Sustainable Lives” program is helping communities set and work on goals that help create new habits. Goals are set as a community and the rewards include: help with education, help with farming, and tangible items the community needs.

EnLevo meets with the community leadership and often others within the community to discuss goals that would help the community. The needs of the community are also discussed. Goals are set in each of the 4 areas of focus in the Sustainable Lives program. The 4 areas of focus are Community, Education, Financial Stability, and Health. EnLevo, with the help of “promoters” within the village, tracks the progress of the individuals. If 80% of the villagers participate and work on the goals, the tangible rewards are presented to the village.

The EnLevo 'Sustainable Lives' program is not just about providing tangible rewards; it's about instilling lasting change and improving the lives of communities in need. By setting and achieving their goals, these villages are breaking the cycle of poverty and building brighter futures. We believe that together, we can create a world where every community has the resources and support they need to thrive. If you'd like to join us in making a difference, consider supporting our cause or volunteering your time. Together, we can empower more communities to take control of their destinies and create sustainable, prosperous lives for themselves.

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